sum cgheck friom massind 26 deb 2012 qirth aiso modest summary of what "mass [corporate] media" missed, understressed, or left out, in addition to historical context


January 2, 2003

We (insert corporate media "news" program) interrupt this "news", I mean what passes as such to report, clarify that it is in fact snowing in Boston (or anywhere where modest amounts of snow has been known to fall), and if we were frank would suggest if you want "news" check out the Free Speech Radio News, Democracy NOW! (complete with its all too often as of late uncritical source pronoucements of "according to the 'newspaper of record'", etc. - ever hear the converse: "according to Democracy Now!" - and for more AirwaveWEB - radio "listeners" have the potential to connect with Internet resources (and vice-versa).

Some culled, just a few, under reported and "missed" by the profit-is-the-goal networks, NEtWorked adS, references for you to share with an aunt, uncle, friend, and others.

Some albums imply a future second volume, i.e., there was no follow-up to the Honeydrippers, volume I album release so maybe there won't be any demand for more of this culling! G/E - not the one bringing great profits to shareholders, hopes to continue to compile more in efforts to hopefully inform others about corporate media's "missed" reporting, which of course is up to one to determine for themselves as well as see the consequences.

This is as well as others here is slightly revised from an original comment, reply, follow-up discussion to IMC's Newswire and Center Article sections:

Pictures of Lily and a Shameless Dickless 'Armey

Though Dick Armey and the pharmaceutical company connection did get some corporate media attention at this time there was more avilable via various forms of independent media.

{I} Feel Free to share with an aunt who may or may not already be critical of "corporate media" (while interesting to hear DN! characterize as such there seems to be no problem with citing various sources that DN! might even include as "corporate media." Some people clearly may not yet, if ever, accept using that qualifier...

Z Magazine, South End Press, Common Courage Press, Lucy Parsons Center, Independent Media Center, mediageek, Freemanz, Revolution Books in Harvard Square, Cambridge; MA, Martin Voelker is no longer in Boston but No-U-Turn Radio program carries on in effect by other dedicated people complete with new name on Sunday mornings and still preceding HAnk Faunce on Tuesday mornings. Where is the website? Alternative Radio, NRP (National Radio Project), Global Exchange, Iraq Journal, the late Philip Barrigan, David Rovics, Kensington Welfare Rights Union, Howard Zinn, Mary Hansen, Jenin, Helen Caldicott, in case you've never heard of her of her "

Failure" to Survive, Israel doesn't make helicopters, "Noam Chomsky's reference to those "three missing words" in regards to Great Britian and the U.S. re garding concern about Iraq", Scott Harris from Between the Lines, Radio with A View, No Censorship radio on the banks of the Charles...(how can it be that some people really don't "find" stations at the end of the dial? Granted ones in the middle are mor e likely to be tuned in if switching back and forth because maybe statistically but...and much more.

Nirvana ('They have a van and are going to make us (Sub Pop) a lot of money")

Bleach at the time, pre-Nevermind, sold in the area of 40,000 units and suddenly... I recall, possibly Dave Grohl, recounting how song lyrics were lost and such so if transformations of this sort can take place.... Dave Grohl also once said now nearly ev ery "Joe Six Pack" in the U.S. can see our picture at package shop checkout stand.

Nirvana in terms of independent media awareness.

webcasting matters, media matters, organizations, org-this-too! , Independent Event Listing, FSRN samples...

Roger Calero, I first heard about him via Democracy Now! and later from a woman at Copley on December 10, International Human Rights Day, but she had never heard of Independent Media Center or various radio programs that one would think are relative stap les of (citizen) activists.

Amer Jubran... English in a Second Land (ESL)

The Regime threatens to fine man who posted Cuba news on web" - FSRN covererd this too

What about a form of "news" the corporate media "missed", superficialy reported, distorted, inclusion of under heard voices (some such as Alternative Radio staples, and the rest as reported on various indepen dent media (See Michael Albert's Media: Their and Ours) as a regular feature?

The weather reports, sport team sales, fossil fuel transport accident reports without hardly a mention to causes and preventions, etc is not news to me. All that's not fit to be "cast aside" by news with a non-corporate perspective.

UN Oil for Food to Continue (3:06) "Reuters news service reported over the weekend that the Bush Administration wants to continue the United Nations Oil for Food Program for Iraq even after a war on the country. The move surprised many analysts who speculated multinational oil companies wo uld use a war on Iraq to seize the countries massive oil reserves, which are the second largest in the world. Aaron Glantz reports from the Western end of the Iraqi oil pipeline in Yalmaturak Turkey"

Scott Ritter on Iraq, not something to die for / by... I suspect he means not just U.S....Heard on Sound of Dissent. See AirWaveWEB, maybe someone in other parts of world will compile something similar. 'gotta go, corporate media can't "miss" this one much longer, Gold'en "low" interest loans.

Free Speech Radio News ( FCC to Eliminate Cross Ownership Rules (4:34)

Corp-news generally has "missed" DMCA, CARP, though there was mention at least once of FCC related changes at 4:30 a.m.

Maybe 'Public Service Renoucement radio in Boston can air Making Contact in the spirit of FM radio when it first came on the scene, in early morning hours, so as to make it more of a challenge for anyone to hear it. 'Bow to Shareholders, they own the liabilties too concerning Bhopal.

I wouldn't expect mention of growing influence of corporate search engines or issues related to the dictionary / index, 'whowho, Usenet groups, remember them or see who controls the m now?

'Toggle's Footprint Not another institutionalized form to attempt to declare what books should be read, movies to be seen and purchased, and their circle of people, bod ies and such.

Senator Frist, a surgeon, what else?

NYC Providing Dirty Water "The Environmental Protection Agency has sued the City of New York to clean up its drinking water. Opposition to the billion-dollar filtration system say if the quality of water meets standards then why filter? Simba Russeau of NY Indymedia has more." Who questioned the seriousness of IMC as viewed by others?

Turkey add FSRN Deember 4, 2002 segment...

Harlem Peace March (3:34) I'm sure this was noted by coporate media in NYC in between weather reports"

"Meanwhile as the rhetoric from the White House continues, today Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said that Iraq would not be given a second chance to correct omissions in its declaration of arms capabilities to the United Nations. This as the dissent with t he country against a US war on Iraq increases, this past weekend, an anti-war march began in the predominately Dominican neighborhood in upper Manhattan and ended with a rally at the Harlem State Office Building on 125th Street. Some 1000 people took part in the mile-and-a-half walk through a cold, steady rain. From NY, Dred-Scott Keyes brings us to the streets Harlem."

Lesson in Miseducation and "Growing Up Corporate

Below is the actual title, but seriously, "mental health" is probably best viewed as a continuum or should be thought of as one affecting everyone.

Bush on Mental Health (3:30) "President Bush's new freedom commission on mental health held a forum to discuss the future of mental health programs in the United States. President Bush established the New Freedom Commission on Mental health on April 29th; the commission's stated mission is to study the United States mental health service delivery system, including both private and public sector providers. The commission's goal, according to its press release, is to recommend improvements to enable adults with a serious emotional disturbance to live, work, learn, and participate fully in their communities. But many mental health advocates are upset that patients and groups representing them have been left out of the process of reforming a broken system. From Portland, Oregon, Andrew Stelzer has this report."

You won't find up-to-the-minute reflections about what you can see for yourself such as yes, it is raining...

Modifed from: The world of "Us" and "We" / Not an 'IndyUSA or the "we in me".

Local and Global tranasctional process and Newswire

Like nature and nuture, maybe it is a transactional process; if even more people were connected to community concerns and efforts generally, and how issues in someone else's "backyard" are connected and related, - maybe related in the sense of even the result of actions elsewhere or done "in their name" then... ("generals are activists and peace activists are advocates") - had to throw that in!


The limits of signs, like corporate sound bites

changes to ... it looks like changes got this from the archive, see -"Come on and Take a Free IMC Ride"

Radiate in Peace, Mary Hansen

I have to mention John Pilger - IRAQ WAR HAS BEEN ESCALATING

Inactivist of the year award winner

Hey, those stones are actually rocks

PatRIOT Act, Councilor Chuck Turner, the librarian who I asked about placing a brief reference in library especially how it affects librarians who stated she knew nothing...

I have yet to write up a formal request to various child care and education organzations (developmentally appropriate and an understanding of imerging literacy, math, science, various materials to facilitate the artistic and creative process not an emphas is on product outcomes, social (including prosocial), outdoor play, and various aspects of a child's development) to ask for children, three, four, and five year old response to:

"Draw the news"

Drawings are welcome from older children. If you're interested in their response and in sharing in a possible use on a web site please include a letter stating it's okay to use said child's first name only and area location, etc.

You can consider simply making the above statement or provide some preliminary content beforehand.

Mainstream Awareness of Independent Media

IndyGlobal can possibly be viewed as a local and interactive transactional process between the two spheres facilitated and inspired by its Open Publishing nature.

The IMC network of autonomous Independent Media Center sites throughout the world provides a potential to represent actual concerns worldwide by people everywhere, many views, people virtually anywhere in the world looking at themselves and as well other areas of the global sphere.

It might be that virtual realm in terms of forums is lagging the concrete as reflected by visible and demonstrated action and voiced expressions of needs and concerns so this is really not a mocking by implying a fear of an 'IndyUSA.

In terms of the amount of U.S. views (citizens critically looking in and out) since it mirrors the percentage of the U.S. population in the world but yet it's vast environmental impact and the U.S. as a source for the spreading of weapons and more of its influence and control.

As a result quite rightly there's much need for considerable concern about the U.S noted in IndyGlobal.

In regards to "9-11 Looking At Americans Through Others Eyes"

The above posting showed (as other notes do) there is the potential for more views looking at the U.S. besides people from the U.S. who appear to know it's not always "handing out" candy.

There's many people in the U.S. who continue to not only maintain this image as the ideal but appear to believe the ideal is quite nearly reflected in reality.

There's much concern for all people, environmental concerns, justice, but in the way that NRP (National Radio Project) whereby unlike, for the most part, the voices on so-called U.S. 'Public Service Renouncement radi o sound as if they're all from the same town or grew up under similar circumstances. Maybe they were all indoctrinated in nearly the same manner.


'Love, knowledge and justice' or rasing the Newswire expectations bar and welcoming future supporters in terms of involvent in the process and evolving and infroming others to check out IMC themselves.

A modief version of

George Harrison, oh yea, he played guitar too.

Should Newswire evolve and connect with more independent media sources and what about those who still primarily get news from corporte media?

There's IndyGlobal and worldwide IMC sites but nobody would ever "forget" about the center Articles within all of them, right?

Some more questions follow and a continuation of minding the independent media gap from a member of the coalition for non-member virtual groups! In adition to archived IMC minites and process mailing why not open up further or make for less of a distinct "behind the scenes", ongoing technical and editorial issues and developments more connected with "regular" trolls of IMC.

Is there already an enough open and closed members clubs, digital divide within itself, divide not only between non-Internet citizens but among those who use the Internet and in particular support in principle and other ways IMC.

Is it time to raise the expectations for Newswire while retaining Open Publishing? That is in addition to all that is being reported but also some sort of more direct or obvious connection to actions related to issues raised? Acts of Civil...


Is it necessary for compromise to be sacrificed in order to "reach more people"? How to get more to seek out on their oww or facilitate. Often at demonstrations and events plenty of banners but seldom see enough reference to independent media in the loc al area of Internet listening range, worldwide via webcasting.

Should IMC sites maintain event calendars themselves rather than likely compromising with a host with corporate [citizen?] debt card sponsor hosts?

I have elsewhere called attention to the Nirvana's (yea not that 60's band) Bleach which at the time, early 90's or during Nevermind's exponential shift in 'radio friendly units shifted' the first pressing of 40,000 or so seemed to be in line with past ex perience. Granted distribution factors into it, from early Sub Pop and Tupelo to DGC (David Geffen) certainly had varied resources and recording cost differences. And not to carry this sidetrack too far I'll leave out other likely factors.

I suspect it is still the case that many people are unaware other than by name of Bleach. I think it is was a natural progression from one to the other not a compromise in the music leaving out the choice of label decision.

If Democracy NOW! suddenly had a similar shift in supporters would it imply a compromise in their consistent presentation, likewise for FSRN? Are there other factors that might bring this about?

Though change is frequently called for is it sufficiently understood? From history you can't assume that change is unidirectional or in the direction a sensible and caring person would hope.

"Parmenides maintained that, whatever the senses might say, the very notion of change involved a contradiction, and so reason demanded that reality be entirely devoid of change. Round about but I am focusing on contradiction but highlighting change as an evolving understanding.

Are there bands who mock the 24 hour corporate label and other sponsors advertisement, I mean video channel but yet have a goal of being on there?

Look how many references here in IMC to corporate media. Shouldn't more people be hearing about lesser known independent sources rather than chancing negative publicity affects by increasing name recognition to say the least or adding to the perception by some that certain corporate media entities are the endpoint sources for truth with all its flaws.

It has been shown letter writing can have an affect but public radio accountability seems to also require creative direct efforts since it is likely to respond whereas corporate newspapers would probably not change until a serious drop in subscriptions and sponsor concerns developed.

This started after seeing the meaningless Newswire title. Which one? Well gladly there's not too many here. "If it Bleeds, it Leads See often but without reference to the source.

The title I am referring to could have been meaningful for other than hoping to possibly attract readers who might have thought it had something to do with Anti-Bias Curriculum: Tools for Empowering Young Children by Louise Deerman-Sparks and the A.B.C . Task Force by NAYEC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) or generally related to facilitating active citizens or discussing Jerome Bruner's Process of Education whereby he makes the case for teaching any subject to a young chil d but not in the form David Elkind warns of in Miseducation Preschoolers at Risk.

If someone who I referred IMC to actually took it upon themselves they might have read such a title and then immediately saw through it and hardly got an adequate representation of the Newswire discussion starter statements. I say starters because I still think it lacks in follow up or pointers but I'll leave this for now.

Freedom of press around the world

I'm glad that some sources have been added regarding the topic on Reporters without Borders since it certainly helps allow one to form a more complete picture.

Initially and I think still Reporters sans frontières did not even refer to this site.

The "Distorters Without Borders"

I first heard about RSF though FSRN (Free Speech Radio News) while it like many others including Democracy NOW! it would be ideal if they were 100% supporter funded but though I admit the Ford Foundation is not on the to p of my list to pick up the difference I do not know anything sinister about them or in the case of the EU funding source for RSF it should raise concern though as we know a title can be misleading the The European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and EIDHR project id #3148, "Fight against impunity for murderers of journalists - Damocles network" in RFE/RL (Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty) / Media Matters and other sources I at the present time I a have a relatively high degree of trust.

Ford Foundation -- Grant Information to Deep Dish TV (DN!), Inc. to follow.

Purpose: For the television news series "Democracy Now!" to continue incorporating the aftermath of the September 11th attacks into future broadcasts
Location: New York, USA
Program: Education, Media, Arts and Culture

Amy Goodwin spoke at the Institute of Politics on October 31, 2002,"> Taking on the System and Mobilizing for Justice and a bit of her comments were aired on (via Chuck) Local Edition produced by the WMBR news department (www.wm and by providing this reference I don't mean that you forget about issues related to the university or for that matter it's hard to see how my not listening to WMBR because of it connection to MIT though I understand it operates in relative autono my body (though hard to see why the news was nearly canceled) but relative is key as evident by frequent reminders that the 'views and opinions...'but unless IMC or others decide and are able to recreate or join forces with Allston Brighton Free Radio to my knowledge the only radio station not affiliated with a university and community in more than name.

Back to change; as far as I know development and growth continues to be discussed in early childhood education or human development generally and calls for change continue to be a process that is not cookbook yet until maybe more of the mechanism of human nature are understood.

I do like what Amy Goodwin said about DN! being part of a movement. I related what she said to a teacher who is not fixed solely on a child making a picture to meet their needs or what's expected by the adult but to focus on the process by letting the ch ild explore various materials and methods thus allowing process to be the primary concern.

At the end of each DN! that is not the end of it but is where reflection by listeners an actions continue.

Have some fell into the growing up corporate imposed limits between one corp-mercial and the next? Even public radio does this but differently. Recalling the days 'now a word from our sponsors' whereby the host of a comedy hour or whatever would display a product with a sort of transparent break in the flow of the show. Public radio may say "we'll return after this break" but it could replace with "right after our corporate underwriters such as fossil fuel transportation, banks and such". Also some hos ts still conform to attempts to compress say 2000 years or philosophy or history to a sentence or two. It seems in this forum there is no need to duplicate such constraints.

There's also matters of post being placed in IndyGlobal and specific IMC sites. If the reason for this duplication was to connect to the local issues I could understand but often it's simply a duplication. I didn't think disk space was that insignifican t a concern anymore. It seems a pointer would suffice. What about GlobalIndy feature of Pooled Local-Global Concerns as an effort to limit redunacy and duplication of the "same" post being propagated throughout the IMC network.

Also along the lines I realize some discussions seem to naturally spawn many topics along the same lines but for the sake of focus isn't it worth while for all such topics to be under one topic. Or is it case that someone fears the threat of concrete bul letin boards whereby someone places a flyer over yours! Would "Add Comments" being expanded to read say "more than commenting on the base topic but a follow-up discussion and extension upon original topic, debate, etc." so as to maybe foster the continu ed thread in one place. It's not a retreat from my appreciation for "Books in the Sand Box? Markers in the blocks?" as I continue to mix it up.

Lastly and finally just thought about fostering contacts to be on par with all those people who might as well simply leave their calling cards randomly on public phone booths sort of the antithesis of targeting audience. I tried to find an email for Ed@i mc but since I have as of yet not found a decode pointer page:

Nazi punks
personal name that points to an actual e-mail address

A local concern of mine but maybe relevant... The Event Calendar via (regional event listings) link from Boston's IMC in turn gets you directly to ACT-MA list of messages.

When ever I reference the page I simply pretty much do as above accept often I go directly from a direct-read-ACT-MA link or bookmark.

In either case you don't get the pop-ups that appear at the main host site but you most likely see a credit card, not a citizen card or a reference to say Bread Hours, etc.

Also, does the IMC get any sort of support in return for traffic directed to Topica?

In expanding awareness, using one example, heard on the radio, aside from say referring to United for Justice with Peace or ACT-MA which does potentially bring the two to the attention of more people but can even more be done so as to more directly connec t and expand upon the link?

There's also other issues. In giving direction to ACT-MA via being directed to the main site with its pop-ups, and in both cases this still excludes people who don't sign in at public libraries, use a friend's computer, etc.

Also, to focus solely on web based and not further develop connections between radio listeners who use phones or who find out events only after they happened limits development. Also, those who are waiting for corporate media newspaper and "weather" and "accident reporting" so-called local news will wait in vain unless they mostly want to hear: "300 protesters..." or "6 people were arrested".

Another local topic but certainly must connect with a larger one is Jill Stein, who was in my view not a major or minor caniditate for governor of Massachusetts but someone who cleary expouses what she stands for which leads me to continue to question the third party designator perpetuation.

Why not a name or a non-name that continues to stress not being part of any backroom money and influence deals (but a fan of wording positvely) and continue a movement that incorporates broad support related to the retreat from the race to the bottom but rather global peace and justice not profits at the expense of land and people and allow the process to be an umbrella that many could feel does them justice?


"moron" with a non-corporate view of things

Not my chosen use of words generally. I'm still reflecting on someone's comment when they thought I was referring to a well wisher regarding IMC when I was making reference to someone under the topic of IMC supporters reflecting about recent anniversary, Seattle and the IMC. Someone said '50% of IMC reporters should be of a certain kind' and rather than take an offensive stance I noted my comments. What's does it have to do with what follows?

News that's not fit to be "cast aside", "missed", "distorted", under reported by, you probably know, with a non-corporate perspective.


Corporate welfare (an odd form of wealth redistribution indeed) or to carry on, Corporate Radio Interference, arms stretched into community radio interference....

I may have made a Freudian slip of the link in a recent reference to AirWaveWEB flyer!

Either Martin Voelker actually took a morning off or I was picking up 91.5 FM in Lowell instead on New Years Day.

As it turned at first I presumed it was him and he was airing Between the Lines but it turned out to be Thinking Out Loud (Wednesday, 6 - 9 a.m. WUJL, 91.5 FM, Lowell).

I think Allston Brighton Free Radio airs BTL. Other than Mark Weaver, the Propaganda Vaccine, occasionaly airing, too bad it's not regularly on but maybe it is.

It reminds me about hearing that WMBR's Gender Talk recently got syndicated - if I am using the correct term. How does say a program like NCR (I know someone in Japan who listens via webcasting), and say, Radio with A View, Sounds of Dissent, etc. get he ard more broadly besides from webcasting which I think is still far under utilized.

Though these programs have local connections they are all fine examples of the local and global transactional process I have yet to be able to clearly articulate. I'll ask Steven Pinker to relate it to nature-nuture in maybe a future edition of his T he Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature. Pinker was not claiming that experience does not matter. "In response to a question from Lisa Podgurski, a CMU senior biolog ical sciences and psychology major, Pinker said, 'Only a madman would claim that experience plays no role.'"

There was a time when I viewed malleability to be useful or hopeful for say a child who had experienced considerable stressors to allow for compensation but now I view it along with anyone saying they know certain facts about human nature to be in the wor ds of Noam Chomsky speaking nonsense. There's so little actually known and by denying human nature leads into the hands of anyone bent on a controlling nature.

I have said elsewhere that BTL makes fine use of IMC's Newswire by its references to show segments and on air it continues to provide phone number contacts and Internet resources.

I thought Stephen Young had an apt comment when he said the missile defense was more likely a re-election defense.

I think the 'Public Renouncement TV' needs some creative feedback regarding the 'Warhour airing that was clear to me in the couple of minutes I listened was the battle readiness discussion. Maybe not as arrogant as those who who already speak about plan s after an "invasion" just the same it deserves feedback.

Also David "all knowing" Brooks, noted by me for one, when he referred to Jenin, the "massacre that never happened", gave "analysis" regarding the next "race" to represent the U.S. form of democracy on 'Public Disservice Radio. Along the lines of it depending "how the things go in Iraq" as if discussing a sport team gladiator of sorts battle.

Hopefully not four more for the 'puppet of the flea world. (see - the letters I prefer NRP (National Radio Project).

"Bend Me Shape Me" -Unlike David Rovics ( -who in the words of Chuck ( is able to serve up justice with his pen this hack of mine, "I am Women", is all I have to offer.


"'Toggle's Footprint" - the search results and potential impact of its being the virtual gatekeeper like the newspaper form. 'Bow to Shareholders and concern over the 'Toggle Footprint or another "invisible hand".

Pardon for combining this reference to search results mentioning those who favor a process that may be more conducive to a more peaceful world. It not surprising the results posted and I would add some local papers the ones that actually 'service the neig hborhoods, in the Boston area at least, the Fenway, Beacon Hill, South End, North End, Dorchester, and ones I'm leaving out, those community papers surely, and I have not really seen lately can be likely to present another perspective besides that overwhe lmingly presented via corporate media.

I recall Paul Lachelier noting that it was relatively easy to approach these papers for coverage. s

No data to suggest this is the case maybe it's because corporate references 'jump out" at me and I would prefer to see even more references to independent media sources and book publishers and such.

Fewer of the following unless it along the lines of calling attention to the people in Bhopal and 'Bow now to shareholders. 'MimeWarner, 'COrpKillEr, 'Ola. 'Whowho, Flimsy related media connections, 'we bring good profits to shareholders', Golden Trenche s, I suspect you get it.

If you didn't think income redistribution or "free market" actually exists, both do, for the former U.S. taxes go to corporations and large farms that limit family farmers impact, and in case of the later, freemarket does apply to those least likel y to meet basic human needs (See: Amartya Sen).

I'll end with a mention I saw elsewhere about Indymedia being some sort of 'Indyleft presumably because of the perceived impression over support for Iraq and maybe the inability for someone to acknowledge Saddam for what he is and at the same time be conc erned about the people of Iraq, the resources, not the fossil fuel ones but cultural and historical, water. Some more historical items related to science history may be lost or sold on markets, more so than that already lost (recent Science Friday).

in process of...

"If the left means anything, it means it's concerned for the needs, welfare, and rights of the general population. So the left ought to be the overwhelming majority of the population, and in some respects I think it is." Noam Chomksy, Propaganda and the P ublic Mind on South End Press.

It is so broad and hardly universal but would simplify or maybe make obsolete the label references!

The relative use is when I think the label can be of some use. For instance if in a particular case someone says so and so is 'even to the right" of someone you know or perceive to be so aligned then you have some sense other wise...